Advice on driving in the summer holidays


In the summer holidays threatening traffic jam weekend. Therefore, before leaving, you should once again deal with the imminent dangers in road traffic, but especially on German autobahns, and prepare your vehicle well yourself.

Traffic jams do not necessarily have to be caused by accidents, they can have several causes such as a construction site or a dreaming driver. But no matter where they come from, they are not only annoying for drivers, but also dangerous. Namely when the end of the traffic obstruction is not noticed until relatively late and you are racing towards the vehicle in front at far too high a speed.

Advice on driving in the summer holidays.  How do I prepare myself?
If you prepare your car well for the summer holidays, you can significantly reduce the risk of traffic jams!

Thanks to assistance systems such as ABS or ESP, the vehicle remains steerable despite emergency braking, and the driver has the option of steering the car into a free space or onto the hard shoulder. However, drivers should not rely entirely on the intelligent assistance systems, as they do not override the laws of physics, and there is not always a free space to avoid.

It is therefore best to always follow the traffic radio and pay attention to warning signs that announce a traffic jam. As soon as the brake lights of a vehicle in front can be seen, adapt your speed accordingly and drive extremely carefully and be ready to brake at all times.

One of the main causes of congestion is increased traffic. Anyone who regularly listens to the current traffic forecast in preparation for the route and also during the journey and has alternative routes “in their luggage” can avoid the traffic jam. Navigation devices or special apps save time when searching for a route. However, if you don’t want to avoid a traffic jam, you can also get stuck in traffic on the country road parallel to the motorway. For these drivers, it almost doesn’t matter whether they drive off or sit in a traffic jam.

“It is also important to heed the zipper principle. Make full use of the acceleration lane when merging into driveways and only merge into the traffic at the end.” Prof. Kurt Bodewig, President of the German Road Safety Service (DVW)

If you want to leave, change to the right lane early – sudden lane changes increase the risk of traffic jams and accidents. Driving too fast, braking abruptly or squeezing into a gap after changing lanes disrupts the flow of traffic. Chronic left-hand drivers also reduce the capacity of the Autobahn. In flowing traffic, the outer left lane is only intended for overtaking.

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In general, frequent lane changes are one of the reasons why a traffic jam occurs or only dissolves slowly. Bodewig: “Don’t keep changing lanes, even in traffic jams. The feeling of being on the wrong track is often deceptive. It pays to be patient.”

With your own car on the summer holidays – You should know this checklist
For many drivers, going on holiday is pure horror: Long traffic jams characterize the picture on the motorways. The risk of traffic jams can be significantly reduced with a few rules of conduct.

What you should pay attention to to prepare the car perfectly for a long journey:

  1. The profile of the tires
    In fact, the fast drive over the hot asphalt of the chosen holiday destination can quickly lead to severe tire wear. This is another reason why it is so important to take a look at their profile in advance. This should be at least three millimeters deep at all points to ensure the desired safety for the driver while driving. The quickest way for a layperson to check this is with a one-euro coin. The colored edge should no longer be visible when the coin is held in the grooves of the tire. This check is usually unnecessary for rental cars in the holiday country. Most car rental companies regularly carry out strict checks on their vehicles.
  2. The right air pressure
    Checking the air pressure is actually done in a few minutes and can be done at almost any gas station. Nevertheless, many holidaymakers forgo this important step for the sake of comfort. The right air pressure in the tires ensures the right driving characteristics and thus increases safety. Furthermore, the abrasion of the profile is reduced, which contributes to a longer service life of the tires. The right air pressure can also save you in another respect: the lower rolling resistance reduces the vehicle’s fuel consumption, which can make an important difference, especially on a long holiday trip. The best way to find out how much pressure the tires need to be is on the inside of the vehicle’s gas cap.
  3. Check oil, coolant and brake fluid
    In fact, oil, coolant and brake fluid are of particular importance on every journey. Not only do they contribute to the safety of driving, but they are also responsible for the smooth operation of the engine. In fact, the current status of the liquids can also be easily clarified by a layperson. A quick look under the bonnet should be enough to immediately identify any potential backlog. If the measured value is just within the measuring range, it still makes sense to get some supplies in view of the long journey ahead. It is also important to look at the brakes to find out about their condition.
  4. Check air conditioning: This involves checking that the controls and blower levels are working properly. Any contamination or damage in the dust and pollen filter is removed and the refrigeration circuit is checked. If desired, the air conditioning can also be disinfected by the workshop.
  5. Check the lighting
    Many holidaymakers who arrive by car decide to leave at night or in the early hours of the morning. In any case, it is important to take a look at the vehicle’s lighting in advance. However, if you only rely on the warnings in the cockpit, you cannot determine their function with absolute certainty. In order to really be able to rely on the dipped, rear and brake lights, the Test with a second person to recommend. Finally, in some holiday countries, there is a risk of significant penalties if defects are found in the lighting – not to mention the reduced safety of all occupants.The most important checks for lighting in the video:


Prepare driver and passengers

Driving in the midday heat should be avoided – longer car journeys are better suited to the morning or evening hours.

It is important to drink a lot: preferably up to three liters of water, juice or tea per day. Light, airy cotton clothing is comfortable to wear; If you have leather seats in your car, you should not wear shorts or skirts, as the seats get very hot.

Before driving off, ventilate the vehicle, which has been heated up by the sun, by opening the doors and sunroof and then closing the windows and sunroof. The air conditioning should not be set too cool; the comfortable temperature is between 21 and 23 degrees. Do not aim the air flow directly at the upper parts of the body because of the risk of catching a cold. To cool the vehicle down quickly, it makes sense to briefly switch to air recirculation mode when the cooling output is at its maximum.

Cover child seats with a large cloth. It is better not to leave chocolate and perishable products in the car. Park in the shade and use the shading on glass roofs. If you have to park your car in the sun, you should install a sunshade behind the windshield. That at least provides some relief. But even those who park their car in the shade should note that the sun moves.


The long journey to vacation is initially a thorn in the side of many travellers. However, proper preparation for the event should not be neglected. The short technical check of the car increases the general safety of all occupants, who can now set off with a clear conscience. Furthermore, air pressure and oil level in particular help to reduce wear and tear on the car, which inevitably occurs with longer driving times. Once these parameters are under control, all attention can be focused on the holiday, which we hope will be an equally great success. (dpp-AutoReporter/sgr)

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