Battery failure: how do you know if it’s the car alternator?

The battery is an integral part of the essential elements for the proper functioning of your car. But very often, it is neglected and ends up no longer working for various reasons. Indeed, the origins of the failure of a car battery are very numerous and it is not always easy to detect the failure the first time. In addition, the car may well break down without it being a problem with the battery. Before going to your mechanic or attempting a repair yourself, it is more than advisable to identify exactly where the problem is coming from. Then you can get the necessary parts.

What to do if the alternator is the cause of your car battery failure?

In any electrical circuit, the alternator is responsible for convert mechanical energy into electrical. At the level of your car, it is this part which makes it possible to maintain electricity in all the equipment which needs it. It only works when the car is running. For one reason or another, this part becomes defective and it is important to repair it as soon as possible. To find a quality alternator, you can then refer to Reparcar to find quality used parts at low prices. You will also find some, whatever the origin of the breakdown.

What are the parts to take?

When the battery light is on and a general drop is seen in car performance, it suggests that the fault is in the alternator. When the failure is due to a part of the alternator attacked by wear, it is then necessary toidentify the part and change it.

Most often, it is the brushes that show signs of wear and cause the breakdown. When the latter are blackened or clogged, or when their meshes are loose, even deformed, it is sometimes time to change them.

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Battery failure: how do you know if it’s the car alternator?

In the event of carbon fatigue, the contact between the brushes and the alternator is reduced or almost non-existent. This prevents the alternator from properly fulfilling its role. It is advisable to check the condition of the brushes around 100,000 km traveled. Changing them after this distance is the best decision to make.

When several vital elements of your alternator such as the diode bridge, the starter and the rotor show signs of wear, the best option is to change the alternator. Especially when you are in the presence of other signs such as the display of the red light relating to the alternator on the dashboard. Moreover, around 40,000 km traveled by the car, it becomes essential to have the car’s alternator serviced.

The links between the alternator and the battery

When the alternator breaks down or fails, it is the battery which temporarily takes over. Without an alternator to keep it going while it’s driving, the battery won’t last long and will drain very quickly. Your car will then no longer be able to start and its condition will worsen if nothing is done. Changing or replacing the alternator can be done by yourself if you have the necessary skills and time.

Otherwise, you could entrust the repairs to a professional auto mechanic. Note that the alternator performs a very essential function. So you have to constantly keep it at a good working level to avoid a general breakdown.

Why buy an alternator online?

For the change of the defective parts of the alternator, you can find a wide range of products online on specialized sites. These platforms offer you the possibility of repairing your car at a lower price with quality used parts. The used auto parts sold there are very efficient and accessible up to 70% cheaper than new parts.

These parts are completely recycled and supplied by approved and experienced recyclers in the field. On these sites, there is a multitude of used spare parts of good quality and at attractive prices to replace the defective parts of your car system. In addition, you will not need to move. This way you save in time and money.

How do you know that your car battery is faulty?

The battery of your car is acting up: the start is slow or the engine refuses to start. These are indications of the state of your car battery and under these conditions, your battery is surely faulty.

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Signs of a Failing Battery

Moreover, when some of your car’s equipment (windshield wipers, screen, headlights, etc.) works below their performance or doesn’t work at all, that’s enough to alert you. It is most often battery failure. In addition, if you smell a very bad smell coming from the hood of the car, it is a sure sign that your battery is dead. This odor is most often due to the release of sulfuric acid.

Battery usage checks

To make sure that it is really a fault of your battery, you can check with a voltmeter the tension of this one. It should be remembered that a voltage measured between 12 and 12.3 V indicates that the battery is discharged. Below 10.6 V, your battery is in 95% of cases dead and will need to be changed. When your battery is fully charged, the voltmeter will display a value between 12.6V and 15V. But when this value exceeds 15 V, the battery is overloaded and the risk of short circuit is high.

In case you don’t have a voltmeter, a simple look at the battery caps can tell you about its condition. Concretely, when you observe a single black plug, you are in the presence of a short circuit and your battery is undoubtedly out of service. If both caps are black, the battery is overcharged, which is probably due to the charging circuit. You can be reassured in case the caps still have their original colors. The battery is most likely discharged and a full charge will restore it to service in most cases.

What are the most common battery failures?

In the case of battery failures, the motor exhibits irrational reactions or does not react at all. Sometimes it is noticed that the start is very easy and smooth, other times the start is impossible despite many tries. It could be short circuit, break or corroded terminals at the battery level.

A very common battery failure is characterized by no light or any other motor reaction. This has several consequences:

  • The headlights do not come on;
  • the engine shows no reaction when you turn the key in the ignition.
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This is most often an engine failure with a possible failure of the car’s alternator.

Sometimes your engine pretends to start, runs for a while and stops right after. In this case, the battery does not have not enough charge to start your car. In certain cases of recurring breakdowns, it becomes impossible to start the car cold, which makes it necessary to use a booster very regularly. It is then necessary to change the battery as soon as possible by going to buy a second-hand auto part on a specialized site. Otherwise this problem could lead to other much bigger ones.

car alternator battery failure

How to determine where your car battery problem is coming from?

When faced with car breakdowns, one question always comes to mind: where can this breakdown come from and what action to take in the immediate future? These kinds of recurring breakdowns can come from different causes. Bearings in the engine can be the cause of car breakdowns. A non-working starter or a failing alternator can also cause car breakdowns.

In addition, when the car engine starts and stops suddenly and regularly, there is several causes to this anomaly. It could be fuel. In fact, when the fuel in the tank is already more than a month old, it decomposes. This can cause the engine to stall and cause a breakdown at the same time.

The battery, motor, ICs, and most internal components are all likely to cause car breakdowns. In-depth observation or the use of professionals is sometimes necessary.

Some tips to take better care of your battery

To extend the life of your car’s battery, it must be maintained regularly. It is necessary that clean the plugs cleanly and frequently, battery terminals and cables. Grime and dirt reduce the flow of electrical energy. With a wire brush and a dollop of baking soda, cleanup is quick and easy.

In addition, it is necessary from time to time to drive long distances with your car and above all not to stay parked for too long. This is necessary to keep the battery self charged. It is best to examine the car’s components thoroughly frequently and change any parts that have failed. Otherwise, they may damage the car. This will lose power for no real reason and will not work as long as usual.

In addition, always turn off the headlights and interior lights when parking your car. By leaving the GPS or your mobile phone connected to a car charger, you facilitate rapid battery discharge. Finally, it is always necessary to ensure that the electronic elements are switched off and that the doors are properly closed. If in doubt about your battery, don’t hesitate to change it by getting a second-hand car part from a specialized site.