What are benefits of traffic protection insurance?


As a driver, it is easy to get into a legal dispute if you have an accident or commit a regulatory offence. Traffic legal protection insurance helps against this. The policy covers the cost of legal assistance (for the lawyer) and procedural costs if a legal dispute can no longer be averted. This also applies abroad, where legal advice is more difficult to obtain.

For families, it is better to take a family policy that covers all family members and cars. There are such traffic legal protection insurances for families starting at 55 euros per year.
Unclear questions of liability in a traffic accident often end up before the judge. You can cover the costs of this with traffic legal protection insurance.

What benefits are covered by motor vehicle legal protection insurance?

What are benefits of traffic protection insurance?

Traffic protection insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial protection for individuals and businesses in the event of an accident or other incident involving a motor vehicle. This type of insurance can provide a variety of benefits, including financial protection, peace of mind, and legal protection.

Financial Protection: Traffic protection insurance can provide financial protection in the event of an accident or other incident involving a motor vehicle. This type of insurance can cover the costs of medical bills, property damage, and other expenses related to the incident. It can also provide coverage for lost wages if the insured is unable to work due to the incident.

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Peace of Mind: Traffic protection insurance can provide peace of mind for individuals and businesses. Knowing that they are covered in the event of an accident or other incident can provide a sense of security and assurance.

Legal Protection: Traffic protection insurance can also provide legal protection in the event of an accident or other incident. This type of insurance can cover the costs of legal fees and other expenses related to the incident. It can also provide coverage for any damages that may be awarded to the other party in the event of a lawsuit.

The following services are included

  • Assertion of claims for damages due to damage suffered with the insured vehicle.
  • Defense in fine proceedings against allegations of violation of traffic regulations.
  • Defense in criminal proceedings due to the allegation of violation of traffic regulations. (The insurance cover does not apply in the case of a final conviction for a criminal offense committed intentionally.)
  • Assertion and defense of claims from contractual obligations for the insured vehicle. (purchase, sale, etc.)
  • Representation of legal interests in tax and duty matters before German tax courts for the holder or owner of the insured vehicle.
  • Protection of legal interests in proceedings before administrative authorities and in proceedings before administrative courts. (e.g. revocation and regaining of a driver’s license)

Traffic legal protection insurance is highly recommended. The enforcement of claims for damages in the event of personal injury or damage, especially abroad, can easily result in very high amounts in dispute and thus a high risk of litigation. Abroad, you also need a local lawyer, and the process is a lot more complicated.

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Traffic accident abroad

In traffic accidents abroad, good advice is expensive. How do I get compensation for personal injury and property damage? If you are on vacation or on a business trip, you can usually not stay abroad indefinitely to clarify all matters on site yourself. In the event of personal injury, you should definitely consult a local lawyer (the ADAC offers addresses).

In the case of bodywork damage, a distinction must be made as to whether the accident can be regulated under EU law or not.
EU law applies if the other party comes from an EU country or the accident occurred in an EU country. In this case, you can also assert the claim from your place of residence. By calling the central information office, which you give the license plate number of the other party involved in the accident, you can find out who is responsible for settling the damage in Germany in this case. It should be noted, however, that the law of the country where the accident occurred applies to the settlement of claims.

If the accident happened in a country that does not belong to the EU, you should settle the damage on the spot, preferably with the help of a local lawyer. This is where good traffic legal protection insurance proves to be helpful.