How much does electricity car cost ?

Buy & drive an e-car.  how much does electricity cost

The e-car is on the rise – a good thing! After all, the electric car should be the solution for an environmentally friendly future. However, some questions about the cost of electricity, e-cars and wall boxes are frequently asked.

We clarify for you the 10 most frequently asked questions about e-cars and the electricity costs associated with the car.

How much does charging an e-car cost?

The e-car has to be charged regularly. And depending on the battery capacity, this can take quite a long time if the charging station in question is not a quick charging station. The largest batteries for electric cars can store 100 kilowatt hours of electricity, depending on the model, the average consumption is 20 kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers. And one kilowatt hour currently costs around 32 cents, so a charge of 100 kilowatt hours costs 32 euros. You pay proportionally less for a less powerful battery, which allows you to drive more relaxed for a shorter period of time.

Are there car electricity tariffs?

Yes. Normally, a private charging station for an electric car – a so-called wall box – feeds itself from a high-voltage socket. However, more and more energy suppliers are also opting for combined packages and offering tariffs for private households with e-cars. This and good comparisons can save you a lot of money as a consumer.

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How can I charge my car at home?

Sure – there are public charging stations. However, it is more convenient to charge the car in your own garage using a wall box, which offers faster charging than a public charging station. A wall box is connected to a high-voltage socket and can then be used to charge the e-car. However, setting up your own charging station must be communicated to the local network operator in advance. Since March 21, 2019, there has been an obligation to report in this regard.

Wall boxes come in many designs and shapes. Example of the design of Weidmüller’s AC charging station.

What advantages does a wall box offer?

An important aspect: speed! A wall box can charge the battery much more quickly than a public charging station, where charging can take eight hours. A high-quality wall box can deliver 11 kilowatts or more from a 400-volt socket and can charge the entire battery in a maximum of 3.5 hours.

Another advantage of the wallbox is security. In the box itself, protective measures against AC and DC errors are installed, so if there is a defect, you are still safe from electric shocks.

How much does an electric car cost?

As good as the e-car is for the environment, the cost of purchasing it is quite high. Depending on the model and battery capacity, you can get an e-car for between 20,000 and 90,000 euros. The higher prices mostly affect the e-cars with a larger energy storage. If you don’t have a public charging station in front of your front door, there will be costs of 500 to 2000 euros for the purchase of a wall box.

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Can I charge my e-car with green electricity?

Of course. If your electricity tariff is a green electricity tariff, you even drive with a really clear, green conscience. In the case of public charging stations, it depends on how the operator or the responsible government has decided. If it can also be “filled up” with green electricity at the next public charging station, then that’s of course all the better.

How do I find a charging station on the go?

If you run out of energy on the way, you can consult the Federal Network Agency or the charging station register. The Federal Network Agency provides you with a list of charging stations, and you can also search for charging stations in your area on a map. If you know in advance that your route will take you through areas where your cell phone reception will be poor, you can download this list.

The charging station register page also offers a map, and there is also a search function by location, plug type, payment method, billing mode, charging facility and radius.

What subsidies are there for e-cars?

The best-known subsidy for private individuals is the environmental bonus. Both the federal government and the manufacturer are involved in the purchase and leasing of plug-in hybrid or electric cars. The manufacturer usually grants 3000 euros, some companies even more. The federal government’s share is 6,000 euros. Overall, the purchase of an e-car is funded with 9,000 euros (6,750 euros for plug-in hybrids) if the vehicle costs no more than 40,000 euros net.

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With a price of up to 65,000 euros net, the new premium is 7,500 euros (5,625 euros for plug-in hybrids). In addition, VAT will be reduced from 19 to 16 percent until the end of 2020. However, the manufacturers must also pass these savings on to the customers.

Due to the corona crisis, the funding was temporarily increased as a so-called innovation premium. This should apply until December 31, 2021. For new e-car drivers, the purchase is worthwhile, especially during this period.

The application for funding should be submitted to BAFA after the vehicle has been purchased and registered.

What is the impact of the promotion?

Apart from the lower price and a better environmental balance, there is really only one other effect. The subsidized car cannot be resold for six months, but must remain registered to the applicant for this period. You can only part with the e-car after this period has expired if you are not satisfied or no longer need a car.

Are wall boxes funded?

Yes, but the federal states are different generous. The good news, however, is that wall boxes are being promoted in many federal states. In North Rhine-Westphalia, private individuals receive 2,500 euros through the electromobility emergency program, Saxony pays 1,000 euros and grants a further 200 euros per kilowatt hour of battery capacity. In Schleswig-Holstein, the purchase and installation of a wall box is funded with 400 euros. There is something more if a photovoltaic system is installed and connected to the wall box.


The e-car is not yet fully developed, but the course is being set from several sides so that an e-car is worthwhile. So that the costs remain moderate during operation, you simply look for a suitable electricity tariff. Do not forget to submit the application for funding so that the effective purchase price for you decreases. And then it says: have a good trip!