How to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

How to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

  Saving money on car insurance can be a challenge, especially if you are a new driver or have a history of accidents or tickets. However, there are several ways to reduce your car insurance costs and make sure you are getting the best deal. In this article, we will discuss some of the best … Read more

How and when to cancel car insurance

This is how you can easily cancel your car insurance. It’s an open secret that switching car insurance can make financial sense. Anyone who has been under contract with one and the same insurance company for more than five years pays too much in most cases. More than 50 million Germans have auto liability insurance. … Read more

What are benefits of traffic protection insurance?

What are benefits of traffic protection insurance?

  As a driver, it is easy to get into a legal dispute if you have an accident or commit a regulatory offence. Traffic legal protection insurance helps against this. The policy covers the cost of legal assistance (for the lawyer) and procedural costs if a legal dispute can no longer be averted. This also … Read more

When to change car insurance

When to change car insurance

Almost every driver has changed car insurance at least once, because every year it pays to take a closer look at your car insurance and compare it with other providers. The main reasons for changing insurance are cheaper Tariffs and better conditions. It is definitely worth taking a closer look at competing providers here. But … Read more

What are car insurance Mallorca policy and other extras?

Vehicle liability insurance is mandatory for motorists in Germany. However, this only covers damage to someone else’s car. If you also want to insure your own car, you need comprehensive insurance. At least partially comprehensive insurance is recommended, not only with regard to accidents, after all, according to the General Association of the German Insurance … Read more

Where can I save again on car insurance?

  You can save a lot on car insurance once a year. No other insurance company gets such a fuss at the same time of year as car insurance. Insurance companies and insured persons have November 30th as the deadline. Since this change deadline is the same every year and still seems to surprise consumers … Read more

What is the 130% rule for car insurance?

Explanation of the 130% rule for car insurance

  If there is damage to the vehicle that should no longer be repaired from an economic point of view, the car can still be saved with the 130% rule. If there is an accident, the expert often comes to the conclusion that the vehicle involved in the accident is a total loss. The injured … Read more

What is leasing worth it for private individuals?

private leasing.  Is leasing worth it for private individuals?  Kfz.Net

  In Germany almost every household owns a car. At least when you look at the statistics. According to figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority, there are a total of more than 45 million cars on the road in Germany. And their number is increasing. Mobility on four wheels has clearly gained in importance … Read more