What to do in the event of a wildlife accident and when does the insurance pay?

What to do in the event of a wildlife accident?  When does the insurance pay?

The risk of a wildlife accident is particularly high in April, May and late autumn. After winter, the animals look for food and in autumn they look for winter quarters. Every day, more than 700 accidents involving wildlife happen on German roads, even though traffic signs at well-known dangerous spots warn against wildlife crossings. Most … Read more

How to find the right car insurance for your vehicle

How to find the right car insurance for your vehicle

Finding the right car insurance is a bit like the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack. Many policyholders find it difficult to find their way through the tariff jungle of motor vehicle insurance. In addition, numerous questions arise in connection with the conclusion of a car insurance policy: Partially comprehensive or fully comprehensive? … Read more

How to have a vehicle accident report drawn up and costs?

Have a vehicle accident report drawn up & costs

After an accident often comes a vehicle appraiser in the game. He documents all damage in detail and prepares an expert opinion, which is then used to settle the damage. This accident report is completely free for the accident victim. The costs are borne by the liability insurance of the person who caused the accident. … Read more

How does the insurance pay when storms damage to the car ?

Storm damage to the car.  When does the insurance pay?  Kfz.Net

Every year, storms and storms in Germany cause damage in the billions. Last year, more than 450,000 claims totaling 1.7 billion euros were recorded on insured motor vehicles. Around 1.3 billion euros of this was attributable to motor vehicle damage caused by storms, hail and lightning. The remaining 400 million euros were caused by flooding. … Read more

How important for legal protection insurance

How important for legal protection insurance

Have you ever thought about whether it makes sense to take out legal protection insurance? Then you have definitely taken the right step, because a legal dispute comes faster than you think! Often one even gets involved in an involuntary argument. Be it neighborhood disputes, traffic accidents, labor law disputes or complaints after vacation/air travel. … Read more

When does car insurance with a cover letter make sense?

Inexpensive letters of protection are available for cars, motorcycles and camping vehicles. Before committing yourself as a driver, a few questions should first be clarified: What do I want to protect? Is it just about protection in the event of a breakdown or an accident? A mobility guarantee like that offered by many car manufacturers … Read more

How to insure a caravan?

How to insure a caravan?

Any caravan or trailer intended to circulate must necessarily be assured at least in civil liability, in the same way as land motor vehicles (article L211-1 of the Insurance Code). The insurance must be taken out before any entry into circulation to comply with the legal obligations in terms of automobile civil liability insurance. Attention … Read more

What are advice and information obligations to be submitted by the car insurer

Information obligations and documents to be submitted by the car insurer • Index Assurance

During the process of selling a contract, insurers are required to adhere to strict advice and information obligations aimed at ensuring consumer protection. The regulatory requirements imposed on insurance distributors are further reinforced in the context of distance marketing following canvassing. To comply with the various legislations, it is the responsibility of insurers and insurance … Read more

What is insurance contract: definition, obligations, documents, duration?

Definition of the insurance contract The insurance contract is the basis of the relationship between an insurance company, a mutual insurance company or a provident institution, and an insured. It represents a legal obligation: For the insurer of guarantee the consequences of a random or disaster event. For the insured of pay a premium in … Read more