How to find the right car insurance for your vehicle

Finding the right car insurance is a bit like the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack. Many policyholders find it difficult to find their way through the tariff jungle of motor vehicle insurance. In addition, numerous questions arise in connection with the conclusion of a car insurance policy: Partially comprehensive or fully comprehensive? What deductible amount? Which tariff model? This article provides answers to some of the most important questions.

How to find the right car insurance for your vehicle

Partially comprehensive or better fully comprehensive?

One of the first and most important questions that arises when purchasing car insurance is whether to choose comprehensive or comprehensive insurance. In contrast to liability insurance in Germany, both types of insurance are voluntary. However, since the insurance cover for liability only relates to damage caused to other people or property, it is generally advisable to take out comprehensive insurance – not only for new cars or expensive used cars. The comprehensive insurance also covers damage that occurs to the vehicle of the insured person himself. The insurance cover of almost all partially comprehensive insurance policies includes fire and explosion damage, damage caused by theft, natural hazards (e.g. due to lightning, hail or storms), damage to glass and damage caused by wildlife.

It is important to know that fully comprehensive insurance, in addition to partially comprehensive insurance, also insures damage for which the insured person is responsible. In addition, the insurance cover of a fully comprehensive insurance also extends to vandalism damage and accidents with hit and run.

The answer to the question “Partially comprehensive or fully comprehensive?” depends on a number of factors, including the insured’s risk aversion, the value of the vehicle and the annual mileage. Valuable and frequently driven vehicles should always have at least partially comprehensive insurance.

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What does fully comprehensive insurance cost?

Unfortunately, there is no general answer to the question. The market for car insurance is very competitive – that is, dozens of insurance companies compete for the favor of car owners with new tariffs every year. In addition, every insurance company has its own individual influencing factors on the amount of the contribution, which can therefore be different for each insured person.

In addition to the regional and type class, important influencing factors for the premium amount for fully comprehensive insurance are the type of parking space and the age of the insured person. Since the fully comprehensive insurance covers the risk of vandalism, the parking space has a major impact on the amount of the premium. Owners of an (underground) garage space have a clear advantage here. Age also influences the premiums for fully comprehensive insurance. Due to the fact that younger drivers are more likely to have an accident, they also have to accept higher premiums.

But that does not mean that fully comprehensive insurance always has to be expensive. Car owners have a major influence on the amount of premiums for fully comprehensive insurance via two parameters: the no-claims class and the deductible. Anyone who has been on the road accident-free for a long time is rewarded with a high no-claims class. And this not only reduces the premium for liability insurance, but also for fully comprehensive insurance. Anyone who has been on the road without an accident for many years can look forward to a relatively low premium for fully comprehensive insurance. In addition, insured persons have a great influence on the amount of fully comprehensive insurance via the deductible they choose. If you are willing to pay a few hundred euros out of your own pocket in the event of damage, you will benefit from a significantly lower fully comprehensive insurance premium.

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But as the saying goes: comparison makes you rich! This is especially true when it comes to car insurance. It’s a good thing that comparing tariffs for car insurance online is quicker and easier than with almost any other insurance company. With an online car insurance comparison, every car owner will find a suitable and, above all, cheap fully comprehensive insurance for him/her. A car insurance check makes it clear to most policyholders that fully comprehensive insurance is often only slightly more expensive than partially comprehensive insurance.

How can you cancel your car insurance?

Many people shy away from canceling their existing car insurance. But a tariff comparison of car insurance usually makes it clear that switching to another provider is worthwhile. The competition between insurance companies is fierce, which is why car insurance companies vie for new customers every year with new tariffs. Every car owner should therefore carry out a car insurance comparison at least once a year in order to achieve maximum cost savings (with the same service).

Canceling car insurance is very easy. You just have to pay attention to two things:

First, the cancellation letter must be sent to the insurance company by mail or by fax. A simple e-mail is not sufficient for a legally effective termination. And secondly, the notice period must be observed. It is four weeks for motor vehicle insurance. Since the vast majority of car insurance policies run for a calendar year, the insurance must be canceled by November 30th. Even in the case of motor vehicle insurance contracts during the year, the notice period is four weeks to the end of the contract.

If you missed the deadline of November 30 (or another date), you can cancel later. However, the prerequisite is that the contributions have increased. In the event of a premium increase, each policyholder has a special right of termination. Upon receipt of the annual statement, policyholders have four weeks to cancel their existing car insurance.

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However, you should not take this step prematurely, because a lower rate for car insurance is often associated with a lower scope of services. A comparison of tariffs makes you smart. A car insurance check should therefore always be carried out before an ill-considered termination.

Incidentally, insured persons have a special right of termination not only in the event of a premium increase, but also in three other cases: First, if the car is sold. Second, if damage has occurred. And thirdly, if the insurance company changes its tariff structure or the no-claims discount system.

Which car insurance do you recommend?

There is no general answer to this question either. On the one hand, the world of car insurance providers in Germany is too heterogeneous. And on the other hand, the wishes and requirements of car owners are too different. If you are looking for an individually suitable and, above all, cheap car insurance for your first or second car, you should definitely carry out a car insurance comparison. This is the only way to compare the numerous tariffs of the individual insurance companies, both in terms of insurance cover and in terms of the price for liability, partially comprehensive and fully comprehensive insurance.

In principle, it is also advisable to deal with the tariff models of car insurance companies. For example, Friday’s digital car insurance offers its customers an innovative tariff model based on the number of kilometers driven. Such a model is of particular interest to policyholders who only drive their car a few thousand kilometers a year. You can save a lot of money with such a kilometer model.

If you are unsure whether a certain tariff or a certain car insurance is recommended, you can also consult customer reviews. In case of doubt, you can give the decision in favor of one or the other provider.