How to insure a used car?

The transfer of a used car obliges the seller to comply with several formalities concerning the gray card, the declaration of transfer, the certificate of administrative status or even the possible technical control. On his side, the buyer in addition to paying the agreed sum to the seller, must ensure that he can drive, immediately and legally the vehicle.

An insurance obligation upon purchase of the vehicle

French legislation is very clear on this point: civil liability insurance is compulsory for anyone owning a land motor vehicle (article L211-1 of the Insurance Code). This insurance must be effective from the day of purchase of the car. It is therefore necessary to take out a car insurance policy beforehand.

It is not possible to drive a newly acquired car without it being insured, at least to the third. Driving without insurance can lead to severe penalties: a fine of €500 or €3,750 depending on the nature of the offence, suspension of the driver’s license and confiscation of the vehicle.

The procedure before buying the vehicle

Obtain the technical data of the vehicle

To establish an estimate, the insurer will need the exact characteristics of the used vehicle. It is therefore necessary to ask the seller for identification information: date of first registration, brand, model, version, trade name, CNIT code or Type Mines. This data is present on the car registration document: the easiest way is for the seller to agree to provide you with a copy. Consulting the government website HistoVec can also help you.

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Determine the day and time of the sale

For the insurance to be effective as soon as you take possession of the car, it is essential to inform the insurer of the scheduled day and time of purchase. Thus, he will be able to establish the effective date of the contract to be subscribed

If you want to keep the same insurer

This is the simplest case. If you already have a car insurance contract, and you want to insure the new car with the same company, just ask your advisor for a quote, providing the vehicle data mentioned above. The adviser already having your antecedents, he will be able to quickly establish the estimate then the proposal of insurance.

Attention ! It is important to anticipate the purchase and not to be trapped by the insurance company’s opening hours, especially if the sale is to take place on a Sunday or Monday.

If you want to change insurer

If you are not a new driver, it is essential to retrieve the information statement(s) from your previous insurers over a period of 5 years. This is a simple formality, but it can take a few days to obtain the documents.

Using this document and the characteristics of the vehicle, you can quickly establish several quotes, in particular by using an insurance comparator. Take the time to compare rates and guarantees: depending on the profiles, there are real differences between the contracts (see our article on the best car insurance).

Once the insurer has been chosen and the proposal accepted, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • the driving licenses of the drivers declared in the contract:
  • the information statements of the drivers declared in the contract;
  • if possible, a copy of the current vehicle registration document (otherwise, at this stage, oral information will suffice);
  • possibly, certain documents related to an aggravated risk.
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You will also be asked for a payment method and bank details. You will surely have to pay a first deposit to validate the subscription of the contract.

Issuance of the temporary insurance certificate

Once the contract has been taken out, the insurer will issue a cover note and a temporary insurance certificatethe validity of which varies (generally 30 days), pending delivery of the final insurance certificate associated with the new registration.

The procedure after the purchase of the vehicle

Sending the copy of the old gray card

Once the purchase has been made, the insurer may ask you to send them a copy of the old vehicle registration document, crossed out and signed by the former owner. A copy of the transfer certificate may also be required.

Establishment of the final contract

As the new owner of a vehicle already registered, you have 30 days from the date of purchase to have a registration certificate drawn up in your name (article R322-5 of the Highway Code).

When you will be in possession of the new gray card, you will have to send a copy to the insurer so that it establishes the final contract. This contract will be sent to you in two copies, one of which must be returned signed. Your insurer will also provide you with the car’s green card, with a sticker to be affixed to the windshield.

→ Caution! Do not forget to send all the documents requested by the insurer under penalty of early termination of the contract.