How to protect your car from the weather?

Storm, hail, thunderstorm, snow, ice, flood… The occurrence of bad weather often has catastrophic consequences for the material goods of individuals and professionals. Vehicles are not left out, which is all the more true when they are parked outdoors or when you live in one of the regions most subject to extreme climatic conditions. Fortunately, there are many ways to protect your vehicle from these natural hazards.

Bad weather: choose the right car insurance plan

To protect yourself from the financial repercussions of damage to your vehicle during bad weather, the first instinct you should have is to take out suitable auto insurance.

Car and weather insurance: which cover to choose?

It is important to take stock of your real needs in terms of auto coverage. The idea is of course to identify the guarantees which are really essential and discard those which are useless. Note that these may simply boost the final grade unnecessarily. At this stage, it is a question of taking into account the age as well as the value of your vehicle, the use you make of it and your driver profile.

If you wish to opt for a formula other than all-risk car insurance, consider including all-accident damage cover if your vehicle is still well rated if you drive a lot. This covers a whole range of accidents that your car could be subject to. These include deterioration following a climatic event.

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On the other hand, in the event that your vehicle has already suffered a significant discount, you can limit yourself to one or more basic damage guarantees. Between the glass breakage guarantee, the fire and theft guarantee and the collision damage guarantee, you have the choice according to your needs. The natural disaster guarantee and the storm, hurricane and cyclone guarantee apply automatically when one of these guarantees is taken out. This is supplemented by terrorist attack cover and technological disaster cover. Be aware, however, that if you only take out the glass breakage guarantee, these additional guarantees are limited to the only elements that fall within its scope.

Why choose car insurance online?

Once you have found the ideal contract that can cover you in the event of car damage linked to “schematized” weather, you can compare the offers. Note that it is possible to spend less by taking out car insurance online, since insurance companies often offer offers at unbeatable prices. The reason is that their operating costs are limited to the bare minimum: no physical agency to manage, less staff, limited constraints… Subscription is generally done without an intermediary. It is carried out directly and frees you from commissions of all kinds. The other advantage promised by online insurers is that the subscription follows a completely dematerialized procedure.

How to protect your car from the weather?

Compare insurance for big savings

While it is true that online agencies offer undeniable financial advantages, it is possible for you to further lower the final score by playing the competition. This involves comparing several car insurance quotes online for the same level of coverage and then selecting only the most attractive.

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To achieve this, use a online car insurance comparison. Once you are on the platform of your choice, you will be offered a quote request form. You must fill in the information about you, those relating to your car and those relating to the degree of coverage desired so that the comparator can select tailor-made and precise quotes for you.

During the comparison of the different proposals received, pay particular attention to the warranties, their exclusions and their conditions of application. Also pay particular attention to the amount of contributions, the deductibles as well as the conditions of the contract (general and specific). After studying these different criteria, you can make your choice with full knowledge of the facts.

Auto insurance that protects against floods and climatic events

Protect your vehicle from external aggressions with an integral cover

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have a shelter at home. However, vehicles that are parked outside are the ones that suffer the most in bad weather. If you don’t have a garage at home and you don’t want to rent one or have one built for financial reasons, there is a solution: the protective cover.

There are several types, but in this case, you must bet on an integral model dedicated to a outdoor use. Once in place, it completely covers your car and protects it effectively. An interior protective cover is, in most cases, made of polypropylene or synthetic material. It is completely waterproof, so impervious to ice, water, dust and other attacks to which your vehicle is sensitive. Its inner side is pleasantly soft, even shiny, and therefore does not risk scratching your bodywork.

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Regardless of the model of your car, it is recommended to choose a custom-made protective cover. Its dimensions being adjusted to the nearest millimeter to the vehicle, it can perfectly fit the shape of the latter and protect it as it should. The choice of made-to-measure is all the more relevant if the car to be protected has unusual shapes or is equipped with unique bodywork elements.

If your budget allows, an inflatable cover is a smart choice, especially if you own aa prestige model or a collector’s car. This accessory is equipped with a floor mat which makes it fully waterproof. Once inflated and in place, it forms a protective capsule inside which your car is hermetically sealed.

Beyond the protective cover, the carport can also protect your car from bad weather. This is an interesting alternative to the garage. The carport is a light structure that resembles an arbor and can be made of wood, metal or canvas. It is easy to set up, takes up little space and can find its place on any exterior part of your home. It comes in various shapes and sizes.

Finally, under no circumstances should you drive your car in bad weather.


Protecting your car from the weather is important, especially if you have a new car or you live in an area that is prone to severe weather. There are a few things you can do to protect your car from the weather, such as keeping your car clean and dry, installing a car cover, and having an emergency kit ready.