How to have light test and headlights adjusted

Having your headlights and light test adjusted is an important part of vehicle maintenance. It ensures that your headlights are properly aligned and that your vehicle is visible to other drivers on the road. It also helps to reduce the risk of accidents due to poor visibility. Adjusting your headlights and light test is a … Read more

How and when to cancel car insurance

This is how you can easily cancel your car insurance. It’s an open secret that switching car insurance can make financial sense. Anyone who has been under contract with one and the same insurance company for more than five years pays too much in most cases. More than 50 million Germans have auto liability insurance. … Read more

What is Aquaplaning and how do I control my car while aquaplaning?

Aquaplaning is when the tire floats on a layer of water. The vehicle can then no longer transmit any steering or braking forces. The moment of floating depends on the speed, water level, tread depth and structure, air pressure and wheel load. Because tires with low tread depth lose contact with the road even at … Read more

What are benefits of traffic protection insurance?

What are benefits of traffic protection insurance?

  As a driver, it is easy to get into a legal dispute if you have an accident or commit a regulatory offence. Traffic legal protection insurance helps against this. The policy covers the cost of legal assistance (for the lawyer) and procedural costs if a legal dispute can no longer be averted. This also … Read more

How to get your dream car quickly and easily

When it comes to fulfilling the dream of owning four wheels, for many car buyers that means thinking about financing as a first step. And of course the dealers and the numerous credit institutions know that too, and they lure prospective buyers with supposedly attractive interest rates, particularly favorable repayment rates and extra short terms. … Read more

What’s the difference between leasing and financing vehicle?

There is no such thing as the “best” car loan. But tailored to your particular situation as a buyer. Basically, you have various options for paying off the car of your dreams through financing. Depending on the financial resources and, above all, the question of whether the vehicle should ever be fully owned by you, … Read more

How to become a good driving instructor

Driving well takes time – A portrait of how to become a driving instructor. Getting a driver’s license, owning your own car – a dream for many young people, but also an increasing professional necessity. A man’s job Casually dressed in blue jeans and a baseball cap, I meet Eberhard Hunger in his training room. … Read more

When to change car insurance

When to change car insurance

Almost every driver has changed car insurance at least once, because every year it pays to take a closer look at your car insurance and compare it with other providers. The main reasons for changing insurance are cheaper Tariffs and better conditions. It is definitely worth taking a closer look at competing providers here. But … Read more

The most common reasons for a car breakdown statistics and how to breakdown prevention

The ADAC road patrol covers more than 56 million kilometers a year. Club members and other drivers with a vehicle breakdown are quickly helped. In 85.4 percent of cases, drivers can continue their journey in their own vehicles with the help of the “Yellow Angels”. In total, ADAC provided breakdown assistance 3.94 million times. Busiest … Read more

What are car insurance Mallorca policy and other extras?

Vehicle liability insurance is mandatory for motorists in Germany. However, this only covers damage to someone else’s car. If you also want to insure your own car, you need comprehensive insurance. At least partially comprehensive insurance is recommended, not only with regard to accidents, after all, according to the General Association of the German Insurance … Read more