How to insure a caravan?

How to insure a caravan?

Any caravan or trailer intended to circulate must necessarily be assured at least in civil liability, in the same way as land motor vehicles (article L211-1 of the Insurance Code). The insurance must be taken out before any entry into circulation to comply with the legal obligations in terms of automobile civil liability insurance. Attention … Read more

What are advice and information obligations to be submitted by the car insurer

Information obligations and documents to be submitted by the car insurer • Index Assurance

During the process of selling a contract, insurers are required to adhere to strict advice and information obligations aimed at ensuring consumer protection. The regulatory requirements imposed on insurance distributors are further reinforced in the context of distance marketing following canvassing. To comply with the various legislations, it is the responsibility of insurers and insurance … Read more

What is insurance contract: definition, obligations, documents, duration?

Definition of the insurance contract The insurance contract is the basis of the relationship between an insurance company, a mutual insurance company or a provident institution, and an insured. It represents a legal obligation: For the insurer of guarantee the consequences of a random or disaster event. For the insured of pay a premium in … Read more

How to insure a used car?

The transfer of a used car obliges the seller to comply with several formalities concerning the gray card, the declaration of transfer, the certificate of administrative status or even the possible technical control. On his side, the buyer in addition to paying the agreed sum to the seller, must ensure that he can drive, immediately … Read more

What is car insurance per kilometer for small riders?

for small riders • Index Assurance

Insurance contracts per kilometer, dedicated to “small riders”, are more and more numerous on the market. A lower annual mileage mechanically lowering the risk of claims, car insurers therefore promise reductions of the order of 5 to 35% on the amount of the premium. How does this type of contract work? What are its advantages … Read more

What is the solution to limit the impact on the environment while maintaining the car?

Car maintenance: solutions to limit the environmental impact

It often does not seem so obvious, but maintaining a car as we are used to doing is not very environmentally friendly. Indeed, water wastage during washing, use of petrochemical cleaning products, lack of recycling of worn parts are all proof that this operation is not so eco-responsible. Fortunately, today there are various solutions to … Read more

How to ensure the reliability of the transmission?

Gearbox: how to ensure the reliability of the transmission?

The transmission is the name given to the system through which the torque created by the engine is transmitted to the wheels of a car. This is made up of the flywheel, the clutch, the gearbox, the differential and the drive shafts. If you want your car to perform optimally, you will have to do … Read more

Used cars: the guarantees offered by a car center

Used cars: the guarantees offered by a car center

Buying a used car is a great way to save money. In fact, a used car can cost up to 30% less than a new vehicle. In addition, this type of purchase comes with various guarantees. Warranties are one of the most important factors to consider. It is a good way to reassure buyers before … Read more