Where does the smoking ban apply to drivers?

smoking in the car?  Where does the smoking ban apply to drivers?

In Germany, there are no legal ones regulations to smoke in the car. This applies to both cigarette smoking and e-cigarette vaping.

The car is still considered a private area, so no smoking ban restricts the freedom of drivers in this regard. That’s the way it is Vaping is generally allowed in the car and everyone can decide how to proceed accordingly. However, continuous road safety should always have top priority. Who sits at the wheel must not be distracted by this. In addition, the driver should always be considerate of his passengers. Therefore, asking and asking for permission to vape is appropriate. If the passengers are children, a waiver is advisable.

Of the Auto Club Europa (ACE) advises better one to take a smoking break and to stretch your legs around concentrated to remain. Nicotine patches or gum are an alternative for long distances. This way you won’t be distracted while driving.

In this case, you can take breaks at rest stops or other places to linger in order to be able to vape undisturbed in the fresh air.

Children in the car

Some countries have one No smoking in the car if Children under 16 years old are in the vehicle. Among other things in:

  • Australia
  • England
  • France
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Canada
  • South Africa
  • United States
  • Cyprus
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Smoking with children in the car is currently still permitted in Germany. The federal government is committed to ensuring that there are fines in the future. Penalties of 500 to 3000 euros are planned.

The quote from the action of the federal government Smoke free in the car. The aim of the campaign was to educate adults about the major risks for minors when they are exposed to cigarette smoke in the car:

“Smoking is known to be a very serious health hazard. Children and young people traveling in cars are particularly vulnerable to tobacco smoke. Both the direct tobacco smoke itself and the carcinogenic nicotine residues in the car endanger the health of minors.”

Prof. Dr. medical Manfred Gahr, Secretary General of the German Academy for Child and Adolescent Medicine (DAKJ)

Do not take any unnecessary risks when vaping in the car

Although vaping in the car is not prohibited in Germany, using an e-cigarette while driving can be distractions on the road to lead. Anyone who acts negligently and causes an accident through reckless driving risks penalties. Based on careless driving, the police have the right to high fines to impose. In extreme cases, it can even lead to a refusal on the part of the insurance company to pay for the damage incurred. It can happen that the dense vapor of the e-cigarette clouds the view in the car and the driver does not correctly assess dangerous situations. In addition, all activities that take the driver’s attention off the road significantly increase the risk of an accident. More detailed information about vaping in the car can be found here.

Correct behavior when vaping in the car

In general, it is not recommended to vape while driving. Based on the legal situation, however, everyone can decide for themselves. If you want to vape in the car, you should use the Always open windows wide. This way the steam can escape immediately and does not affect the view. In this way, the driver retains full control of the vehicle at all times, even when vaping. To replace the battery of the e-cigarette or the liquid, a Roadside break recommended. If liquid bottles have already been used up or caps are empty, they are allowed not thrown out the window while driving. This can lead to immediate danger to traffic and other road users. Furthermore, it is an intolerable environmental pollution. It is therefore essential to follow the instructions for correct disposal.

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Foreign regulations on vaping while driving

In contrast to the German legal situation see the regulations for vaping in the car in certain countries very different. Drivers often have to use a high fine expected if, despite the ban, vaping was carried out in the car. Therefore, everyone should inform themselves about the respective regulations before starting their journey. In England, France, Greece and Italy nobody is allowed to vape in the car when children are traveling. Regardless of the country in which vaping is taking place, the driver must always retain full control of the car and must not pose any danger on the road.

Frequently asked questions about smoking in the car

Is smoking allowed in the car in Germany?

Basically yes. It is strongly discouraged if there are children in the vehicle or if it endangers road traffic.

What can I do against him Nicotine smell in the car Companies?

Leave a bowl of vinegar, sliced ​​apples, flour or rice in the car for 24 hours. This is to bind the nicotine. Scent trees or sprays usually only ensure that the smoke smell is covered.

Are there fines?

Anyone who throws a cigarette out of the car pollutes the environment and faces a fine. Fines of 20 to 50 euros are common.