When do I have a special right to terminate my car insurance?


November 30 is the deadline for most insurers to change car insurance. If the regular notice is given by this date, changing the provider is usually not a problem. But even if you missed the date, you can still switch to another insurance company in many cases. This is made possible by the special right of termination. Insured persons can make use of it in the event of price increases, a change of vehicle or damage.

Termination in case of premium increase

New customers are popular with insurers. The tariffs with which the insurance companies attract new policyholders are correspondingly low. But by the second year of insurance at the latest, many insured people will be faced with an increase in premiums. Often with premium increases of 20 percent or more. Some insurance companies deliberately wait until after November 30 to send out notifications of tariff increases in order to prevent insured persons from jumping off with a regular termination.

If the insurer increases the premium, the policyholder has a one-month special right of termination. The period begins upon receipt of the notification. The insurer increases the premium if the premium increases despite the same benefit or if the costs change due to upgrading of the regional or type class. There is no special right of termination if the policyholder is responsible for the increase. This is the case, for example, after a move, an insurance claim or changes to the contract such as the entry of an additional driver. A special right of termination is also excluded if the legislature raises the insurance tax and the tariff only becomes more expensive as a result.

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In the event of termination, policyholders should expressly point out the special right of termination to which they are entitled in the event of a premium increase. If there is no reference to this legal right, the insurance company can reject the cancellation, which wastes valuable time.

Cancellation after a claim

If there is a traffic accident or other damage that the insurer regulates, the policyholder also has a special right of termination. However, the insurance company also has this right. This gives her the opportunity to separate from customers who are too expensive or who act negligently. Both sides can terminate the contract with a notice period of four weeks. This period begins on the day on which the insurance company informs the insured that the settlement of the claim has been completed. In the event of written termination, policyholders should explicitly refer to their special right of termination. Otherwise, the insurance company can reject the cancellation.

Cancellation when changing vehicle

According to Verti, if the policyholder changes his car, the insurance contract also ends with it. Because the subject of the contract is always a specific vehicle. Canceling the old insurance is accordingly unproblematic: Only the registration or re-registration of the insured car is necessary so that the insurer can process the cancellation. Anyone who buys a new or used vehicle has the choice of either switching to another insurance company or concluding a new contract with the previous one. In the latter case, the insurer uses the data from the new car to calculate the insurance premium that will apply from then on.

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Cancel insurance: This should include a cancellation

The termination can be informal, but it should contain important contract data such as the name of the insured person and the insurance number. They make it easier for the insurance company to allocate the cancellation request and process it quickly. It is important to note the reason for the termination (e.g. an increase in premium or a claim). It is also advisable to send the letter of termination by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. This provides evidence that the insurance company received the notice of termination in a timely manner. You can also use our termination template for this.